Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Computer Question - Answer

1. "The fathers of the Internet" is
Ans : Vint Cerf
 2. The inventor of the World Wide Web?
Ans : Tim Berners-Lee  
 3.In internet terminology IP means
Ans:Internet Protocol
 4. The first page of a website is called the
Ans : Home page
 5. Which  company is nicknamed  "Big Blue" ?
Ans : IBM(International Business Machines Corporation)
6. Which day is celebrated as world Computer Literacy Day?
Ans : December 2
7. Name the software program which is used to view Web Pages?
Ans: Browser
8. Error in programs is also called?
Ans: Bug
9. What is the full form of PDF?
Ans: Portable Document Format
10. Image in the computer screen is made up of?
Ans: Pixel
11. What is the full form of USB?
Ans: Universal Serial Bus
12. IC chips used in computers are usually made of?
Ans: Silicon
13. Which device is used to connect computer to the internet is called?
Ans: Modem (Modulator-Demodulator)
14. In which form data is store in computer?
Ans: Binary (0,1)
15. What is the full form of virus?
Ans: Vital Information Resource Under Seize
16. What is Hard Copy?
Ans: The printed Output Document
17. What do you call a portable computer?
Ans: Laptop
18. What is Google?
Ans: Search Engine
19. What is Google Chrome?
Ans: Internet Browser
20. Who is the founder of Microsoft?
Ans: Bill Gates

1. Who is called brain of computer?
Ans: CPU
2. Who is known as father of computer?
Ans: Charles Babbage
3. What is the full form of RAM?
Ans: RAM-Random Access Memory
4. Full form of CPU?
Ans: CPU- Central Processing Unit
5. Which device is used to take print on paper?
Ans: Printer
6. Which device looks like a TV?
Ans: Monitor
7. Which device is used to type your name in computer?
Ans: Keyboard
8. Which device is used to draw picture in paint?
Ans: Mouse
9. Which device is used to give power to the computer after power off?
Ans: UPS
10. Which device is used to show movie on big wall?
Ans: Projector
11. Which device is used to record your voice?
Ans: Microphone
12. Which device is used to take picture?
Ans: Camera
13. Which is the longest key on keyboard?
Ans: Space Bar
14. Which button on mouse help us to move up and down?
Ans: Scroll Button
15. The small pictures on computer screen is called?
Ans: Icons
16. The printed copy on paper is called?
Ans: Hard Copy
17. The full form of CU?
Ans: CU-Control Unit
18. The full form of CD?
Ans: CD- Compact Disc
19. Which is the first super computer of India?
20. The full form of ALU?
Ans: ALU- Arithmetic and Logical Unit


1. What is Computer Network?
Ans: A computer network is a collection of computer and other resources like printer, scanner etc. connected together so that they can communicate with each other.
2. What is Workstation?
Ans: The computer that is connected to a network is called Workstation.
3. What is Stand Alone PC?
Ans: A computer that is not connected to the network is called Stand Alone PC.
4. What is MODEM?
Ans: Device that converts analog signal to digital signal and digital signal to analog signal is called MODEM. (MODEM:Modulator-Demodulator)
5. Which cable is used by cable TV industry?
Ans: Coaxial Cable
6. What is Operating System?
Ans: Operating system is a program which provides interface between user and hardware.
7. Name different types of operating system?
Ans: Windows, Linux, Unix, Android
8. What is Internet?
Ans: The Internet is a global wide area network that connects computer systems across the world.
9. Write the full form of PAN.
Ans: PAN- Personal Area Network
10. Write the full form of WAN.
Ans: WAN- Wide Area Network
11. Write the full form of VIRUS.
Ans:VIRUS- Vital Information Resources Under Seize
12. What is Spreadsheet/Worksheet?
Ans: A spreadsheet or worksheet is a file made of rows and columns that help sort data, arrange data easily, and calculate numerical data.
13. What is Range?
Ans: A range is a group of consecutive cells in a worksheet that have been selected or highlighted.
14. What are Functions?
Ans: Functions are predefined formulas that perform calculations.
15. What is Active Cell?
Ans: A cell which is currently selected.
16. Name different types of functions used in Excel?
Ans: Sum, Count, Max, Min, Average
17. Write the full form of HTML.
Ans: HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language
18. Write the name of cables used in Computer Network.
Ans: Fibre Optics, Coaxial Cable, Twisted Pair
19. Write the name of some devices used in Computer Network.
Ans: Modem, Hub, Switch, Bridge, Gateway, Router
20. Which device works like a traffic policeman?
Ans: Router-It directs network traffic.


1. What is Hardware?
Ans: Hardware consists of all the parts that we can touch.Ex-Keyboard Mouse.
2. What is Software?
Ans: Software is a set of programs.
3. What is Program?
Ans: Program is a set of instructions that tells the computer to perform tasks.
4. Name different types of Software.
Ans: Application software, System Software, Utility software.
5. Name some Application software.
Ans: MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, MS Paint etc.
6. What is Operating System?
Ans: Operating system is a program which provides interface between user and hardware.
7. Name different types of operating system.
Ans: Windows, Linux, Unix, Android
8. Name some programming language.
Ans: BASIC, C, C++, JAVA, HTML, LOGO etc.
9. Name some utility software.
Ans: Antivirus program, Screen Saver, Disk Cleanup Program, Disk Defragmenter etc.
10. What is Interpreter?
Ans: Interpreter takes one instruction at a time, translates it and moves on the next statement in the program.

*Computer Virus*
11. Write the full form of VIRUS.
Ans:VIRUS- Vital Information Resources Under Seize
12. What is Computer Virus?
Ans: A computer virus is a piece of software that can  infect a computer, install itself and copy itself to other computers, without the users permission.
13. Name different types of computer viruses.
Ans: Malware, Trojan horse, Worm, Spyware, Adware etc.
14. What was the name of first computer virus?
Ans: Creeper

15. Microsoft Word is an example of-
Ans: Application Software

16. What is Spreadsheet/Worksheet?
Ans: A spreadsheet or worksheet is a file made of rows and columns that help sort data, arrange data easily, and calculate numerical data.
17. The file responsible for starting MS Excel is-
Ans: Excel.exe
18. What are Functions?
Ans: Functions are predefined formulas that perform calculations.
19. What is Active Cell?
Ans: A cell which is currently selected.
20. Name different types of functions used in Excel?
Ans: Sum, Count, Max, Min, Average


1. Write the full form of PC.
Ans: PC- Personal Computer
2. Name different types of computer (Basis of operation).
Ans: Analog computer, Digital Computer, Hybrid Computer
3. Name different types of computer (Basis of size and performance).
Ans: Micro computer, Mini Computer, Mainframe Computer, Super Computer
4. Name the computer that can be moved from one place to another place easily.
Ans: Laptop Computer
5. Micro Computer is also known as-
Ans: Personal Computer
6. Which port is used to connect laptop to the TV?
Ans: HDMI Port
7. Which port is used to connect Pen Drive to the TV?
Ans: USB Port
8. Write the full form of USB.
Ans: USB- Universal Serial Bus
9. Pen Drive is also Known as-
Ans: Flash Drive
10. What is Volatile Memory?
Ans: Volatile memory is a type of storage whose contents are erased when the computer is switched off. Ex - RAM

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